Just delivered these 323 mm two-piece Tarox Cerbera 4.5 discs to Autobedrijf Post Uiterweer, that had a 4.2 Cerbie with the 4-bolt AP calipers and 291 mm single piece discs in that was in desperate need for a braking capacity upgrade... Hans Daalhuisen had a set of brand new six-bolt TVR/AP calipers to hand and we were in business. :)
AP stopped making the 2-piece discs for the Cerbera a long time ago when TVR went to single piece replacement discs (a lot heavier and not nearly as much heatsink capability). Last fall, the proper 2-piece discs including the alloy bells appeared in Tarox' 'Bespoke' catalogue. The Tuscan 'Red Rose' and Tuscan S, the Sagaris and the lesser spotted Red Rose T-car variants also use the 322/323 discs, so cars with the 304 mm discs and six bolt calipers are but an adapter away from taking advantage of these discs, too...